Write for someone with explosive diarrhoea

The art of keeping it short

3 min readSep 8, 2021
Picture by Camila Quintero Franco (Unsplash)

I am aware of the fact that I’m not the best person to give you any sort of advice on this. I myself struggle with keeping my pieces short. It takes my entire willpower to cross off sentences and rephrase them so they are not three lines long.

My mother tongue, Italian, is extremely long-winded. Words are long and musical. They stretch down cobbled alleyways, wrap around Medieval walls, glide down hills of regional expressions.
Words weave into each other, sentences turn into paragraphs, and before you know it it’s taking you half a page to express one single concept.

English, on the contrary, is quick and sharp. There’s no beating around the bush. The English language goes straight to the point.

This was hard for me to accept.
My first blog posts would easily go up to 4000 words. There were many other things wrong with them, but length was definitely the worst. Who would read something that long, on a screen?

This is something I still have to remind myself of constantly, but I think it’s still worth saying: when you’re posting a piece online, KEEP IT SHORT.

Think about who your readers are. Think about what they are reading on. Think about their…




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